In the summer, you have often heard that many people die due to heatstroke but it can be avoided by adopting some simple home remedies.
In summer, we need to avoid many types of health problems. Especially when the summer starts, we have to take special care of our body temperature because it fluctuates very quickly during the early summer. When the temperature of the body suddenly rises, we can be surrounded by many types of health problems. One of these health problems is heat stroke, which makes most people victims in summer. If it is not controlled at the right time, then know this.
To avoid the heat stroke problem in summer, we can avoid it by adopting some home tips and drinks. You will get to know about it in detail below, but let's first know what is the problem of heat stroke?
What is heat stroke ?
Heat stroke is most common in summer. This condition arises due to living in an area with high temperature continuously, due to which the body temperature of the person rises to 40°C. Usually, due to prolonged exposure to the sun during summer, heat stroke or heat stroke can also cause this problem. It is also known as heat stroke or sunstroke. Let us now know some ways to avoid this.
# Watermelon Juice
Watermelon is naturally cold and is most commonly eaten in summer. By consuming this, our body also detoxes. It is also believed to be very effective to protect against heat stroke problems. You can prepare juice by adding three to four pieces of chopped melon and a cup of water in a mixer. After this, whenever you are going to go out somewhere, definitely take it.
# Lemon Juice
The amount of antioxidants present in lemons is considered to be very important to maintain the tone of our face. Consuming lemon prevents us from many diseases and its intake in the form of lemon juice during summer days will also protect you from the problem of heat stroke. Cut two lemons and extract the juice from it through a squeezer and after that mix the juice in a glass of water and prepare the juice. Now be sure to consume it before going out in the sun.
# Tomatoes Juice
We eat tomatoes everyday as a salad or through vegetables and lentils. Tomatoes are also considered very essential for facial skin. Add a tomato and a cup of water to the mixer for a glass of tomato juice and stir it for at least 10 minutes. After that, take it out in a glass and add a pinch of salt to it. Tomato juice works best to protect against heat stroke problems.
# Drink, drinks made of Sattu
A drink made of sattu will also prove to be a panacea to keep from the problem of heat stroke. According to one study, it works actively for a long time to provide coolness to the body. You can prepare a drink by mixing one teaspoon of sattu in a glass of water.
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