Surface Book 3

Monday, 15 June 2020

When Medicine and Counseling do not Work Under Stress, Know the Lifesaving Formula from Swami Ramdev

Bollywood's famous actor Sushant Singh committed suicide by hanging himself at his residence on Sunday. According to information, Sushant was suffering from depression for a long time. At the same time, according to an online research conducted between April 1 and June, 51.6% of people worldwide are prone to mental depression. Depression is a silent killer. How to win with this disease? Learn about this from yoga guru Swami Ramdev. According to Swami Ramdev, by conquering the disease with yoga, he is also mentally healthy.

According to Swami Ramdev, if a man wants to get out of depression, then do yoga. Apart from this, people often go into depression due to lack of support from their loved ones. The small matter of loved ones bumps into despair. Therefore, never talk to your loved ones in this way, so no one gets hurt deep in their heart. With this, if you have any kind of problem inside you, then share it with someone or other.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Feeling sad
  • Loneliness
  • Don't remember when you were happy last time
  • Daily Tasks like Bathing
  • Long headaches
  • Health decline
  • Exhaustion
  • Excessive negative thinking.
  • More angry.
  • Getting up from bed seems like a big job.
  • Stay away from people.
  • Feeling that nothing good is going on.

Yogasana to Get Rid of Depression

Vakrasana - By doing this asana, you will get rid of every problem related to kidney and liver. Do this half to 1 minute daily. This will also keep your skin healthy.

Tophasana - By doing this asana, the whole body becomes active. All the chemicals and hormones will flow. Help reduce stress hormones.

Sarvangasana - If you are unable to do the head, then do the Sarvangasana. It will also benefit.

Micro Exercises - You can also get rid of stress by doing micro-exercises. In this, you can do konasana, butterfly posture etc.

Halasan - helpful in improving the skin, reduce stress and fatigue.

Mandukasana - Control blood pressure, relieve stress and fatigue, remove body irritation.

Matsyasana - By doing this asana, blood circulation is fine in the body. Help keep the lungs healthy. Many skin diseases get rid of. Strengthens the body.

"Life is the most important thing in life": Sushant Singh Rajput's film 'Chichhore' dialogue

Gaumukh Asana - Increases lung function. Fix breathing system. Give power to fight against diseases. Keep liver and kidney healthy Strengthen the spine

Bhujgansan - This makes your body beautiful and shapely. Many types of skin diseases get rid of. Oxygen is properly supplied in the lungs, along with it, the kidney remains healthy.

Mercatasan - relieve joints and back pain. Lower the hips pen. Abdominal pain, beneficial in cervical. Stress, help reduce stress.

Pawanmuktasan - Detoxes the body, makes the lungs healthy and strong. Healthy kidneys, normalize blood pressure.

Naukasana - Removes indigestion. The waist and abdomen shape up. In addition, it keeps kidney and liver healthy. Which also improves your skin.

Balasana - Stiffness of back and body is removed. Control blood pressure, eliminate stress and tension, give comfort to shoulders and back and neck.

Pranayama to Get Rid of Stress

By doing this pranayama, oxygen flows properly throughout the body. With which you will get relief from diabetes as well as many other diseases. Start it from 1 minute to about 3 minutes.

Doing Kapalbhati relieves all types of cancer. People with hypertension, asthma, anemia, BP, heart blockages have a stroke in 2 seconds.

First of all sit in the posture of Padmasana. Now put the ring finger of the right hand and the smallest finger on the left nostril and put the thumb on the right nostril. Fold the index finger and middle finger together. Now fill the breath from the left nostril and close it by mixing the ring finger and the smallest finger. After this, remove the thumb from the right nose and exhale. This posture can be done from 5 minutes to half an hour.

Bhramari Pranayama:
To perform this pranayama, first sit in the state of Sukhasana or Padmasana. Now let's take a deep breath inside. Breathing first, keep your fingers in the frontal. In which 3 fingers close the eyes. The ears are closed with the thumb. They close their mouths and sing 'Oom'. This pranayama can be done 3-21 times.

Udgith Pranayama:
To perform this pranayama, sit down in Padmasana or Sukhasana and chant 'Oun' with a calm mind. By doing this pranayama, one gets relief from diseases like gall disease, metallic disease, high blood pressure.

Ayurveda Remedy To Get Rid of Stress

  • Consume meritorious.
  • Take Ashwagandha.
  • Soak almonds and walnuts and eat them.
  • Take Amrit Rasayana.
  • Keep cold water above the forehead.
  • Go among nature. This will give peace to your mind and mind.
  • Light a lamp of ghee in the temple
Do Meditation:
According to Swami Ramdev, chant the Oom and Gayatri Mantra. The person gets rid of every problem by worshiping Omkar. This also brings peace to the mind. With this, the entire senses of the body, nerves, panch kosh, panch mahabhutta are filled with everything.

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